Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2015

#BEABIGSISTER by Daisie Smith ツ


A few days ago I've watched a Youtube-Video that I really liked.
Daisie Smith came up with a beautiful idea that is called #BEABIGSISTER ! :)
If you have two minutes please watch that video where Daisie explains what this idea is about.

Basically you have to post your favourite quote on instagram with the hashtag #BEABIGSISTER.
And every time you feel down or you need some motivation you can read all the quotes with that hashtag. Then you'll hopefully feel better or at least you know that you're never alone!

I just love that idea so I had to tell you about it!

For example my quote is:

You can also tag me on instagram if you want so I can follow you and like your quote.

My instagram: @dieggedis143

And now a big shoutout to Daisie for that beautiful idea!

Instagram: @daisie_smith_
Twitter: @daisie_smith


I hope you like the idea as much as I do!
I love reading your comments! :)

xx Lulu